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Artist's rendering of the new library building
Picture shows a cartoon President Lincoln standing in front of a map of the USA. The USA is detailed with the American flag across it rather than state outlines.
Picture shows a copy of the February book club book along with the text Book Club February book: The cat who saved books by Sosuke Nasukawa.

Library race winners announced

The library has held another successful Velma Engle Memorial Read for the Gold 5K Run / 3K Walk fundraiser event.  The 1st Place Overall award female and male went to Carol Grate with a time of 23:14 and Delmar Scowden with a time of 24:59. The 2nd Place Overall award female and male went to Lisa Anderson with a time of 23:42 and Mike Howard with a time of 25:02. The 1st Place finisher of the 3K Walk was Fran Foster. Misty Cheseboro was the 2nd Place finisher.

We appreciate the support of community members and organizations in our endeavors to continue promoting literacy within the community. Thanks to our supporters, volunteers and participants, our fundraiser was another tremendous success!

MAJOR SPONSORS:  AECU, Boyer Funeral Home, Bristol Village, Jim Engle, Profab Mechanical, SOMC, Valleyview Health Center, WXIZ-WXIC-WXZQ

ASSOCIATE SPONSORS:  All About Children, Cincinnati Reds, CJ DVD Rentals, CJL Sports, Classic Trophies & Plaques, COSI, Dixon Jewelers, Hair Biz, Hello Shop, J.F. Heibel Electric, Klinker’s Lumber, McDonald’s of Waverly, Newport Aquarium, Erica Snodgrass, Auditor



3K Walk 2nd Place finisher Misty Cheseboro and 1st Place finisher Fran Foster



(Left to right) 2nd Place Male Overall Mike Howard (25:02), 1st Place Male Overall Delmar Scowden (24:59), 1st Place Female Overall Carol Grate (23:14), and 2nd Place Female Overall Lisa Anderson (23:42)

Click "Read more" for a PDF with a complete list of participants and race times.

Library receives grant for early childhood development

proud parents

The Garnet A. Wilson Public Library of Pike County, in conjunction with the Pike County Outreach Council and Community Action Committee of Pike County, has been awarded a $50,000 grant through the Family and Community Engagement Pilot program as a part of Ohio’s Early Learning Challenge Grant.

The goal of the pilot program is to engage families to ensure that children are born healthy and stay healthy, and children are ready for kindergarten. The target audience for the program includes families with children under age 6 who may not be already engaged with community support programs.  In Pike County, the target audience of the grant is families in the western portion of the county with young children up to age 5.

The grant funds will be used to launch the “Pike County Proud Parents” initiative, which will include four positive parenting workshops to be held at Western Elementary School in January, February, and March, 2017, and to distribute Early Childhood Development and Read-to-Me kits to partner agencies throughout the county.  The workshops will focus on early childhood development, early literacy, family nutrition, and the health and safety of young children.  The kits will include toys, games, books, and Early Childhood Development guides to help parents ensure that their children are healthy and developmentally prepared to enter kindergarten.

Library the recipient of YALSA teen book collection

teens top ten

The Garnet A. Wilson Public Library has been selected as a recipient of the Young Adult Literacy Service Association’s (YALSA) Teens’ Top Ten Book Giveaway, which will provide our collection with 26 teen-acclaimed books ranging from a multitude of different genres. The Teens’ Top Ten titles are nominated and selected by teens across the nation each year.

Fifty library recipients throughout the country were selected to receive collection from YALSA, which is a division of the American Library Association (ALA). Funding for the book collections is provided by the Dollar General Literacy Foundation.

Circulation clerk Laura Erwin has put a lot of time and effort into strengthening Young Adult services in the library, and applied for the grant in an attempt to enrich our collection even further. The library hopes the collection will attract even more teens and foster positive literacy habits in young adults in our community.

Read the ALA’s full press release at http://www.ala.org/news/member-news/2017/06/recipients-2017-teens-top-ten-book-giveaway-announced.


Auto-renew for items is here!

We are happy to introduce automatic renewals for our patrons!

This convenient service will automatically renew your eligible library materials on their due date, up to four times if there are no holds on the items. You won’t have to lift a finger!

Here's how it works:

  • Three days before your items are due, you will receive a courtesy email reminder (if you are signed up to receive email notifications; text service not yet available).
  • On the date your items are due, we will automatically renew eligible items.
  • You will receive an email with a list of items that were successfully renewed. Items will NOT be renewed if there are requests (holds) on the items, or if your items have reached the maximum of 4 renewals.
  • Also, any overdue fines incurred prior to today, July 18, 2017, will still stand.

Be sure to log into "My Account" to keep track of items that may not be eligible for auto-renewal. You may also call the library to renew or check the due date of items.

Help us win $25,000 for the new library!


Voting has opened for our chance to win $25,000 towards our capital campaign to build a new main library facility in Waverly!

We have been chosen as one of the top 200 projects in the United States vying for the grant from the State Farm Neighborhood Assist Program.

In order to win the grant, we must finish in the top 40. This is done strictly by voting from the public! Voting closes August 25, and you can vote up to 10 times a day per email address you enter.

Visit www.neighborhoodassist.com/entry/1996115 to vote, and help us build the new library! Please spread the word!

Race winners announced

The library held another successful Velma Engle Memorial Read for the Gold 5K Run / 3K Walk Fundraiser Event this past weekend.  The 1st Place Overall award female and male went to Hannah Goodman with a time of 20:57 and Zach Holbert with a time of 16:38. The 2nd Place Overall award female and male went to Lisa Franzen, with a time of 22:31 and Rob Ervin, with a time of 18:46. The 1st Place finisher of the 3K Walk was Lacy Hardy. Tonya Williams was the 2nd Place finisher.

We appreciate the support of community members and organizations in our endeavors to continue promoting literacy within the community. Thanks to our supporters, volunteers and participants, our fundraiser was another tremendous success.

Click "Read more" below to download a PDF with all race times.
